Urgent appeals

Act now to help protect the oldest rainforest on Earth. The entire Lowland tropical rainforest of the Daintree is now listed as endangered. The impacts of ongoing clearing for housing continue to cause fragmentation of this special rainforest. Please help now to Save the Daintree.

Lot 92 Cape Tribulation Rd

Purchase & Protect Lot 92 Cape Tribulation Road

Lot 463 Black Bean Road

Purchase & Protect Lot 463 Black Bean Road

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Saving the Daintree


Square metres of the Daintree saved


Daintree properties purchased


Active Conservation Projects

Help Save the Daintree


Save the Daintree prioritises a science-based approach to evaluate the conservation value of its projects. For every block of land we sign a contract on, we conduct ecological survey evaluations of the properties to yield the flora, fauna, and vegetation status of the property.

We have advanced our strategic planning for land acquisition through a citizen science program that developed the “Daintree Acquisition Strategy”, a comprehensive assessment of lots of land available to purchase which identified properties of priority for purchase. Two ecologists conducted on-the-ground assessments of the properties to catalogue the botanical features, vegetation status, and development risk.

Sign The Petition to Save the Daintree


We're calling on the Australian Government to significantly increase funding and work together and with other stakeholders to eliminate Electric Ants from the Daintree Rainforest.

Sign the petition to Save the Daintree now

Rainforest Canopy Library

Canopy Library

The Daintree Lowland Rainforest is the oldest rainforest on Earth, having existed continuously for over 120 million years. It holds exceptionally high biodiversity and conservation value and the flora of the Daintree contains an almost complete record of the evolution of plant life on Earth, including extremely ancient flowering plant families found nowhere else. It also provides a refuge for many unique species of fauna including the southern cassowary, Bennett’s tree-kangaroo, and musky rat-kangaroo.

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Conservation Projects

With your help, we purchase land in the Daintree Lowland Rainforest and protect it forever. In November 2021, the Australian Government listed the lowland tropical rainforest of the Wet Tropics ecological community as endangered, under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999. Despite this listing, freehold properties in the Daintree remain at risk from rural residential development.

Rainforest Buyback Fund

Far North Queensland

Lot 43 Bus Removal and Clean Up

Lot 43 Bus Removal and Clean Up

Revolving Fund

Save the Daintree Revolving Fund

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Revolving Fund

Save the Daintree Revolving Fund program is an innovative solution to achieving the long-term protection of key biodiversity values. Acquiring private land for conservation is a powerful way to permanently protect important species and ecosystems.

By contributing to our Revolving Fund program, you can provide support for projects that require a long-term commitment to planning well ahead of our fundraising cycle. That means when a high conservation value property comes up for sale, we'll have the funds to put down a deposit straight away, dramatically increasing the amount of private land protected.

Permanent contributions to our Revolving Fund program are tax-deductible and receipts will be issued.

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Latest News & Updates

Daintree's Lot 92 target is getting closer

Electric ants - how are they being managed?

Unique and threatened species of Lot 463 Black Bean Road

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