Before we make a decision to purchase a Daintree Rainforest property we thoroughly assess its value to conservation. Our vegetation survey of Lot 213 Teak Road at Cow Bay was undertaken on the 28th of July 2021.
The survey of Lot 213 identified the presence of 128 native plant species which include two listed under the Queensland Nature Conservation Act 1992.
Of particular importance is the Daintree Gardenia (Randia audasii). This small tree is endemic to Far North Queensland and is restricted to the area between Cooktown, Cairns, and Atherton. It produces white perfumed flowers and fruit that are orange when ripe. It is listed as Near Threatened under the Queensland Nature Conservation Act 1992.
Flowers of the Daintree Gardenia (Randia audasii)
During the survey, we also identified Noah's Walnut (Endiandra microneura). This tree produces large yellow oblong-shaped fruits that are dispersed by the southern cassowary. The species is only found naturally within the Daintree rainforest predominately north of the Daintree River and south of Cape Tribulation. This tree is noticeable in the forest as it produces a vibrant display of limp red new leaves. It is listed as Near Threatened under the Queensland Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1992.
Noah's Walnut (Endiandra microneura)
Another feature of the property is the three species of local endemic plants. They are:
- Daintree Foambark (Jagera madida)
- Daintree Satinash (Syzygium monospermum)
- Daintree Myrtle (Rhodomyrtus effusa)
The Daintree Foambark tree (Jagera madida) only occurs in the lowland rainforests between Julatten – Bloomfield. It is noticeable by the pinkish ferny new growth and often single straight stem seldom branching. Its trunk is often completely covered in lichen of various shades of grey.
Daintree Foambark (Jagera madida)
The Daintree Satinash (Syzygium monospermum) is only found in lowland rainforests between Cape Tribulation and Julatten. The tree provides food for the Endangered Southern Cassowary and owing to the size of its large white fruit that it produces straight from the trunk (an adaptation called cauliflory), few other animals other than possibly fruit bats would disperse it. This tree was only botanically named in 2003. This unique tree species has a symbiotic relationship with ants that inhabit the trunk of the tree. Little is known of the reason why ants colonise the trunk of this tree, however, it is known that the internal structure of the tree is a purpose-built network of tunnels that allow ants to undertake their entire life cycle, what the tree benefits from this is little known and currently remains unstudied.
Daintree Satinash (Syzygium monospermum).
Daintree Myrtle (Rhodomyrtus effusa) only occurs between Julatten and the Bloomfield River. In recent years, this species has suffered as a result of the exotic pathogen Myrtle Rust, thus preserving known populations of this species helps safeguard it from further decline.
Lot 213 has widely spaced emergent Blue Gums (Eucalyptus tereticornis) and associated Sclerophyll species such as Brown Salwood (Acacia celsa), Red Mahogany (Eucalyptus pellita) and Narrow-leaved Iron bark (Eucalyptus crebra) with a diverse assemblage of rainforest beneath.
The vegetation on Lot 213 Teak Road is remnant. A historical accessway has been established on the eastern border of the Lot which terminates near the Southeastern perimeter prior to a gentle slope.
The vegetation on Lot 213 (as much of the Cow Bay area is) is not stable, it is experiencing a change in the absence of fire. The vegetation over the 1-hectare lot is dominated by a canopy of Acacia, Corymbia and Eucalyptus with occasional tropical rainforest trees emerging between. Since fire is now seldom experienced in the Daintree lowlands, it is assumed that this forest habitat will omit Sclerophyll species as time lengthens.
The forest cover on Lot 213 is of Regional Ecosystem 7.3.20a: “Eucalyptus pellita, Corymbia intermedia, C. tessellaris, open forest often with Acacia celsa, A. cincinnata, A. mangium and A. flavescens. Includes small areas dominated by A. crassicarpa. Alluvial fans of the very wet and wet rainfall zones, of the lowlands and foothills. (BVG1M: 9d)”.
RE 7.3.20a is listed as “Of Concern” under the Vegetation Management Act 1999.
The Queensland government indicates a pre-clearing amount of 11,000 ha existed with 6,000 ha hectares remaining in 2019.
The Queensland government specifically states that this vegetation type has “Special Values” being:
“Potential habitat for NCA listed species: Calochilus psednus, Drosera adelae, Scleromitrion polycladum.
Lot 213 is potential habitat for the endangered southern cassowary (Casuarius johnsonii - southern population), the near-threatened Bennett’s tree-kangaroo (Dendrolagus bennettianus) and the vulnerable Macleay's fig-parrot (Cyclopsitta diophthalma macleayana), and is integral in maintaining natural avenues for wildlife across the landscape.
Lot 213 Teak Road in the Daintree Lowland Rainforest