Location: Queensland, Australia
Action: Purchase of Lot 107 Buchanan Creek Road, Cow Bay
Area: 1 hectare
Threatened Species: Southern Cassowary, Bennetts Tree-kangaroo
Habitat: Lowland Tropical Rainforest
This property is now protected in the Daintree National Park (CYPAL).
Kelvin Davies on Lot 107 Buchanan Creek Road in the Daintree Lowland Rainforest
Purchase of Lot 107 Buchanan Creek Road
Lot 107 Buchanan Creek Road, Cow Bay is 1 ha in size and is completely covered by tropical rainforest. Buying and protecting this property has achieved a fantastic outcome for conservation. It connects to the Daintree National Park in multiple directions, is in pristine condition and is vital habitat for the Endangered Cassowary.
Buying land in this location helps us to wind back the impacts of the disastrous 1980’s rural residential subdivision. We focus our efforts on Cow Bay as scientists have identified this area as being the highest priority for conservation. It has some of the highest levels of biodiversity and the highest densities of Cassowaries in Australia.
Through our Save the Daintree project, we are buying land and adding properties to the Daintree National Park and World Heritage Area and are helping to preserve critical Cassowary habitat.
Following the purchase of this property, it will be gifted to the Queensland Government for inclusion in the Daintree National Park. The vegetation type is classified as 1a. Complex Mesophyll Vine Forest on deep fertile soils (Regional Ecosystem 7.3.17), which has a biodiversity status of ‘Endangered’ under the VM Act, 1999.
Map showing Lot 107 Buchanan Creek Road in the Daintree Lowland Rainforest
Thank you to the generous donors who funded the purchase and protection of this Daintree Rainforest property.